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Dream Chaser On Demand



檔案大小:27.2 MB


版本需求:需要 tvOS 10.0 或以上版本。 Apple TV.


Dream Chaser On Demand(圖1)-速報App

Dream Chaser on Demand is the ideal solution for bringing the healing power of nature into a home, business, or medical facility. Our films and photo slideshows help reduce stress, blood pressure and insomnia. Dream Chaser on Demand improves wellness, fights depression, helps overcome grief and loss. Dream Chaser on Demand enables you to bring the healing power of nature with you anywhere in your life whether it is at home, work or waiting for a doctor’s appointment on a 4K or HD television, tablet or smartphone.

In today’s society, people live very busy, stressful lives juggling the demands of family, work, health, wellness and happiness. For most people, our lives are spent indoors in a home, a busy office, in a car stuck in traffic or in a checkout line at a crowded supermarket or shopping mall. Sadly, many people spend too much time on the Internet toiling away on social media with Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing. But often, travelling is a struggle and

Dream Chaser On Demand(圖2)-速報App

always stressful. Tragically, 1 in 8 people struggle with addiction and substance abuse. Finding time to relax and unwind is challenging. Finding time for tranquility and peace is impossible.

Humans have been in nature for millions of years. It is only in the last few hundreds of years that we have moved from living in nature to urban environments. Stress is caused by “nature deprivation” in our lives. Research has proven that long-term exposure to nature whether it is directly or visually (watching Dream Chaser On Demand) has a very powerful positive effect on a person’s stress-response system. Physically, being exposed to nature reduces Cortisol in our bodies which is known as the “stress hormone”.

Dream Chaser On Demand(圖3)-速報App

Michael Routh is Dream Chaser on Demand’s creator, cinematographer and director. He has been regarded as a leading nature cinematographer and photographer for over twenty-five years. His cinematography is most known for powerful original compositions of lesser known locations and phenomena in nature. Michael’s cinematography has been described as world-class. In 2012 and 2013, Michael worked as a camera operator for the acclaimed feature length documentary movie “Muscle Shoals” directed by Greg 'Freddy' Camalier which tells the story of the birth of American Blues and Southern Rock & Roll music. In 2012, Outdoor Photographer Magazine published a 7-page feature length article about Michael’s nature photography. The editor of Outdoor Photographer Magazine said that Michael’s nature photography was as good as the top 20 professional nature photographers in the country. Michael is known as the “Dream Chaser” because he lives his life chasing his dream of being in the beauty and tranquility of nature and sharing his artwork with the World.

支援平台:Apple TV